Sunday, September 1, 2013


One fateful Thursday morning at Davis High School, my friends and I were talking around our lockers when we realized that we did not have school the the next day. Upon this realization I declared that "today is our fake Friday. It's a F-Friday". It was at that moment that I realized I had a passion for combining existing words to communicate more effectively. At first it started by just adding that extra "F" on to word to indicate that it was an imposer. Phrases like "I saw F-Tyler at the store" or "There is F-Cheese on the school pizza" became common place. In time other began to contribute to these word tornadoes, and we came up with such gems as "Fair-atively" (fairly and relatively - thanks Paxton) and fa-ppy (fat and happy). To this day I still find myself creating these word-nados, so it only seemed appropriate that I create one for my Blog name.

So what is a muse-ser-pinion you may be asking yourself. Why it's any combination of a musing, observation and opinion of course (see below for specific definitions).

Musing: Contemplative reflection
Observation: Act or instance of noticing or perceiving
Opinion: A personal view attitude or opinion

A few notes before I get started down this road of blog-dom. Please notice the "pinion" in muse-ser-pinion. I don't promise perfection in my posts nor do I claim to be all knowing or that I have the best/only point of view. I believe in the value of differing points of view and the in the strength that comes from discussing and seeking understanding from the ideas of others. If you choose to visit I hope that you find something useful in my posts. Enjoy!

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